View All Scheduled Open Houses Below, click each individual listing to see open house dates and times, or call 587-578-7653 to book a private showing on any home you want to see! Browse open houses by individual communities by utilizing the list of all communities in Calgary on the right.
Open Houses In Calgary
There's almost always an open house going on in Calgary, we've seen some on the hottest days of summer, coldest days of winter, and rumor has it that they've even been running on Christmas and Valentines days! While the majority of open houses happen on Saturday and Sunday, this doesn't mean that you won't find some going down during the week, especially in summer. So if you're driving on a Wednesday and you see open house signs out, don't assume right away that the agent forgot them, and if you're free it might be worth the quick detour to check it out!
Our Calgary real estate MLS® website has been upgraded to offer more data than you might typically find, and we've gone a step further and allowed our users to separate upcoming open houses by communities, giving you a quick and easy option to see what's going on in your neighbourhood or one that you're interested in living in.
Open Houses Near Me in Calgary
There's almost always an open house going on in Calgary, we've seen some on the hottest days of summer, coldest days of winter, and rumour has it that the've even been running on Christmas and Valentines days! While the majority of open houses happen on Saturday and Sunday, this doesn't mean that you won't find some going down during the week, especially in summer. So if you're driving on a Wednesday and you see open house signs out, don't assume right away that the agent forgot them, and if you're free it might be worth the quick detour to check it out!
Our Calgary real estate MLS® website has been upgraded to offer more data than you might typically find, and we've gone a step further and allowed our users to separate upcoming open houses by communities, giving you a quick and easy option to see what's going on in your neighbourhood or one that you're interested in living in.
Looking for a virtual open house in Calgary? Check out our videos on Youtube and experience a virtual walk through with some of our listings!
Open Houses this Weekend in Calgary?
... But it's not open? Fear not, you weren't the first to run into this, sometimes agents do leave signs up, OR even worse, they cancel it themselves personally but they forget to remove it from the Calgary Real Estate Boards MLS® system, causing online shoppers browsing for open houses to land on sites like this, where they are given dates and times of an open house, that later turn out to not be current and accurate. If you ever have this happen, the BEST solution is to simply give us a call and schedule your own private showing, we do NOT put pressure on clients, and we take pride on being a wealth of knowledge and a resource for Calgary home buyers. Call our client care manager at 587-578-7653
Search now for homes in Calgary and the surrounding areas
Active Open Homes For Sale In Calgary
There's typically two ways a visitor will find an open house, either online (through websites, realtor app, our website, etc) or through street signage on the day of the open house. One of the biggest mistakes we see is visitors who don't connect or chat with the agent at the home. This is a perfect opportunity to engage with an expert, discuss your needs, ask questions, find out more details about the house, learn about homes, and soak in information. Truly there is no obligation for you to give the agent anything for this. It's no secret though, agents love hosting open houses as it delivers prospective buyers right into their 'home' offices and they're given ample opportunities to pitch the home and their services, but we call this doing their job.
Another mistake we often find in an open house are the quick browsers, typically an open house lasts at least two hours and yet we often find visitors coming in and out in under two minutes! There's no way you really could have taken in the home that quickly!?Due to the nature of an open house (mainly it not ever being a private showing to you exclusively) viewers will often feel the pressures and hurry their visits / experiences in a home.
Some Questions we recommend that you ask agents when visiting an Open House.
What's the neighbourhood like? Is it family focused? How's traffic in and out?
Have there been any major or recent upgrades in the home?
What's the reason the clients are selling?
Latest Calgary Open House
Things to consider before visiting an open house
There are a few other things to consider before visiting an open house in Calgary, what you say to the agent, can really hurt and be used against you, remember, the agent sitting in the open house is typically the listing agent, or is directly connected to the sellers in some way, this means that they’ve likely formed a relationship with them, and if you’re visiting an open house without your agent, or spill your guts about how much you love the property, it could come back to haunt you in negotiations, taking away a lot of your bartering power.
An example of this we’ve seen: One of our clients visited an open house when they first bought a home many years ago, they spoke with the agent about the home in depth, the agent took an interest in them and asked questions, seeming to be very genuine in their interest of our clients situation, during the discussions, our client disclosed that they fell in love with the home, and that they had just received a windfall of money and we’re going to have no problem obtaining financing for the property, and that they were in a big rush as they had ended their lease and needed to move right away. The client at the time wasn’t aware of agency relationships, nor the process of buying a home and when they decided to put an offer in, they used a friend who was licensed, ultimately their initial offer was turned down and the negotiations were tight, the agent quoted and used the situation they discovered about these clients against them for his clients benefit. They learned a valuable lesson and would not be so forthcoming in future discussions with agents who aren't contracted to represent them.
These clients made three big mistakes, they disclosed their financial position, their timing, and their motivations, two of which are directly negotiable in the contract (purchase price and possession date)
Open house's are a lead generator
Often the perception for most consumers is that open houses are utilized to sell the home, quite often it’s unlikely that a home sells from being sat at an open house, but most of the time agents will utilize open houses to meet new buyers as lead generation (buyer generation) can be costly and this is a surefire way to meet consumers interested in real estate and the current active market. Next time you visit an open house, ask the listing agent to disclose the sellers motivations for selling, their financial situations, and how low they’re willing to let it go for, you’ll likely find out that they’re in a contractual relationship with the seller and unless they have written disclosure from their seller, they should not disclose these details to you for any reason.
Hire a REALTOR® to help with your search
In any case, having a dedicated Calgary real estate agent on your side is going to benefit you greatly as a buyer, you should have no costs from the agent on the buying side and you’ll have an expert ready to navigate the market, contract, and negotiations on your behalf, always looking out for your best interests.
Calgary real estate, in our opinion requires more transparency in today's market as consumers deserve to have all information about the industry and it's processes readily available from agents, especially top performing teams who come across all sorts of scenarios, including aiding and assisting clients in the process of navigating, understanding, and finding open houses that are available in the local Calgary real estate market.
Have you had a good or bad experience with an open house in Calgary? We'd love to hear your story, sound off in the comments below and let us know, you could also be featured in one of next upcoming blog series that documents that ups, downs, and extreme tales of real estate!